Make your own Shave Horse

In an evening! The shave horse is a wonderfully versatile piece of equipment for working in greenwood. It is used to grip the length of wood you are working on and hold it steady to enable you to shape the wood using a draw knife or a spokeshave.

You can clamp and shape the wood, move and re-clamp the wood with minimal effort...and it also gives you somewhere to sit down while you work!

In just an evening you will build your own shave horse to take home and learn basic techniques of how to use it.

The shave horse will be constructed from tanalised timber which can be left outdoors. It will be made using the tried and tested Lumber Horse pattern from Mike Abbott.

Course fee includes a soup and roll dinner.

Slowing down and noticing isn't just good for my health - it also reveals opportunities I hadn't seen or even imagined.

Past Participant