FREE Schools Wildlife Survey Lending Kit

As part of Orin's Bioblitz project he received funding from the Environmental Youth Action Fund by Green Futures through Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust and Our Bright Future.

The equipment purchased with the grant is now available for local schools to borrow to enable them to carry out wildlife surveys on their school grounds.

Kit includes:

  • Range of FSC Wildlife keys and guides
  • Sampling trays and collecting equipment
  • Nets
  • Moth Trap
  • Footprint Tunnels
  • Binoculars
  • Eye Lens's
  • Bat Detectors
  • Wildlife Camera (site specific)
IMG 0493

"I just wanted to thank you again for our Bushcraft Camp this week. It was just brilliant- it was so wonderful to see the children enjoying every single part of the camp and taking risks that they'd never otherwise have taken at this age. The new location is great- they loved being able to explore the area. I am always nervous about how the children will react to sleeping away from their parents for the first time, but I think the combination of the excitement about the activities and the atmosphere that you create seems to override all their worries. It has been the highlight of my school year and I'm sure it has been the highlight of theirs! Especially with the new 'rigorous' testing and standards that have been introduced this year, I was feeling a bit disheartened with it all, but this made me feel like we had provided the children with a genuine and meaningful learning experience."

Class teacher Year 2