Natural Connections

A day of exploring and deepening connection to our natural world and our place within it. Connecting emotionally by awakening your senses and awareness using games and exploration. Discovering the wonderful biodiversity around us. Stream life, insects, tree and plant ID, Animal Tracking.

We will use survey equipment to identify some of the wide ranging animals and plants that live in the woodland habitat and have a chance to explore our natural history specimen collection of skulls and animal sign. The day will be interspersed with fun interactive activities aimed at expanding our awareness of the ecosystem and our place within it.

Spending time exploring and truly 'being' in a natural space enables us all to gain a deeper understanding, connection and well-being. It is our hope that with knowledge and understanding of what lives alongside us, we will all be more passionate about protecting it

Linking in with curriculum science topics for KS1 and KS2

  • Living things - plants and animals
  • Habitat
  • Food Chains
  • Identifying and Classifying
  • Using Identification keys

The detail and level will be adapted to be age appropriate. All sessions are designed with holistic learning in mind and aim to develop the heart, head and hand. A culture of care and respect for ourselves, each other, and the environment are encouraged throughout.

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"I just wanted to thank you again for our Bushcraft Camp this week. It was just brilliant- it was so wonderful to see the children enjoying every single part of the camp and taking risks that they'd never otherwise have taken at this age. The new location is great- they loved being able to explore the area. I am always nervous about how the children will react to sleeping away from their parents for the first time, but I think the combination of the excitement about the activities and the atmosphere that you create seems to override all their worries. It has been the highlight of my school year and I'm sure it has been the highlight of theirs! Especially with the new 'rigorous' testing and standards that have been introduced this year, I was feeling a bit disheartened with it all, but this made me feel like we had provided the children with a genuine and meaningful learning experience."

Class teacher Year 2