Stone Age to Iron Age
An inspiring, authentic, hands-on experience to link in with the KS2 curriculum. Children will discover how people lived, learn core skills and experiment with techniques from the era.
Bringing to Life the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age- KS2
An inspiring, authentic, hands-on experience designed for the KS2 curriculum. Children will discover how people lived, learn core skills and experiment with techniques from the era. These sessions will form a fantastic stimulus for discussion and debate around this exciting curriculum topic. All the activities will be led by a team of experienced tutors keen share their enthusiasm. All our sessions are resourced with authentic and handcrafted items using techniques of this period of time.
Through storytelling, we will set the scene and take the group back in time enabling them to imagine the world as it was viewed by the Stone Age person. Our story will take the group on a journey through the Bronze and Iron Age exploring the values, needs and wants of the people of this era.
Topics and Activities (the number of activities covered will depend on the length of the session booked (half/full day):
Stone Age Tool Making
Learn about stone axe making in the Lake District and the famous Langdale axe factories. Explore the properties of different stone material used for tools. Each child will grind their own primitive tool out of slate.
Fire Lighting
Discover Iron Age fire lighting with flint and steel. Experiment with lighting fires with a fire steel (the modern day equivalent). We will discuss how techniques for fire lighting developed throughout the ages and demonstrate blowing a nest of grass to flame the ancient way!
Hunter Gathering
Stone Age people couldn’t go to the supermarket to buy food! Discover some techniques used when tracking animals. Explore hands on our collection of animal feeding signs, skulls and animal tracks. Discover a variety of plant foods that would have formed part of the diet of a hunter gatherer and crops grown as communities began to settle. Once the group has gained some specialist knowledge they will be sent on a hunter gathering journey to test their new skills.
Using Natural Materials - Natural Cordage
The importance of string and rope in human development. Learn the technique for making natural cordage from leaves discussing properties of natural materials found in the wild.
The Metal Ages - Copper Work
Understand the amazing discovery of extracting metal from the ground and why archaeologists think the metal ages developed as they did. Each child will create their own decorative copper plate which they will hammer on to wood with stone hammers.
Natural Pigments and Rock Art
Explore and create artworks using natural pigments and the cultural traditions of rock art. The children get to grind rocks and soil to make their own pigments.
We look forward to travelling back in time with you!