Woodland Adventures
The day will be an inspiring mix of exploration, bushcraft, fire lighting, and natural arts and crafts. Explore the woodland environment and learn to use tools to make things out of natural materials. Age appropriate projects will give each child something to take home with them.
Session outline
After arrival, we will “tune in” using our senses and feel a deepening connection to nature. Throughout the day we will discover the properties and possibilities of creating things from a variety of natural materials.
Whilst crafting our projects we will learn about safe tool use, discover the secrets behind effective fire lighting and embrace the joys of exploring the woods.
The detail and level will be adapted to be age appropriate. In addition, pupils will develop their team working and communication skills. All sessions are designed with holistic learning in mind and aim to develop the heart, head and hand. A culture of care and respect for ourselves, each other, and the environment are encouraged throughout.